Every letter of an English alphabet has a good sense to get success in life.
A- Avoid waiting for tomorrow.
B- Be ready to face difficult problems.
C- Consider well before doing any work.
D- Do not think wrong about others.
E- Earn more for progress.
F- Feel the need wherever necessary.
G- Get good scorein each exanation.
H- hold moral value.
I- Ignore bad habits.
J- Jump according to the capacity.
K- Know "what is truth"
L- Lie at right time.
M- Maintain good principal.
N- Neglect forein things.
O- Observe good manners.
P- Pay your debt certainly.
Q- Quell your enemies.
R- Respect ur elders.
S- Save when you are young and spend when you are old.
T- Touch not, take not, what is bad.
U- Use your energy in good works.
V- Vacate misuse words.
W- Watch new inventions carefully.
X- Xystus is very useful for physical exercise.
Y- Yearn to proof.
Z- Zany persons are very dangerous.
A- Avoid waiting for tomorrow.
B- Be ready to face difficult problems.
C- Consider well before doing any work.
D- Do not think wrong about others.
E- Earn more for progress.
F- Feel the need wherever necessary.
G- Get good scorein each exanation.
H- hold moral value.
I- Ignore bad habits.
J- Jump according to the capacity.
K- Know "what is truth"
L- Lie at right time.
M- Maintain good principal.
N- Neglect forein things.
O- Observe good manners.
P- Pay your debt certainly.
Q- Quell your enemies.
R- Respect ur elders.
S- Save when you are young and spend when you are old.
T- Touch not, take not, what is bad.
U- Use your energy in good works.
V- Vacate misuse words.
W- Watch new inventions carefully.
X- Xystus is very useful for physical exercise.
Y- Yearn to proof.
Z- Zany persons are very dangerous.
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