Sunday, 24 June 2012

Restaurant on the tree

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Secret behind the discovery of Laws of Motion by Newton ;-)


Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves) KOTHIMBIR (DHANIYA)and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural

Choice is yours

Some people sit, some people try;
Some people laugh, some people cry;
Some people will, some people won't;
Some people do, some people don't.

Some people believe, and develop a plan;
Some people doubt, never think that they can;
Some people face hurdles and give it their best;
Some people back down when faced with a test.
Some people complain of their miserable lot;
Some people are thankful for all that they've got;
And when it's all over, when it comes to an end;
Some people lose out, and some people win.

We all have a choice, we all have a say;
We are spectators in life, or we get in and play;
Whichever we choose, how we handle life's game;
The choices are ours, no one else is to blame.

Priya Anand at 1000 Diamond Necklaces Festival Event

Friday, 22 June 2012


ऊँचाई और गहरायी में भेद  है ।

कोई बता सकता है क्या ?

 आखिर लोग डरते  क्यूँ हैं?

क्यूँ  सहते हैं अत्याचार ?

क्यूँ नहीं उठते उनके भी हाथ ?

क्यूँ नहीं  बनते हिमालय जैसे महान ?

क्यूँ नहीं बनते सागर जैसे विशाल ?

क्यूँ नहीं बनते नदी जैसे गहरे ?

Saturday, 16 June 2012


पिता  भावना हैं ,  संवेदना हैं, एहसास हैं।

पिता जीवन रुपी फूल में महक का वास हैं।

पिता रोते हुए बच्चे का बांहों रुपी पलना हैं। 

पिता रेगिस्तान में मीठा सा झरना है ।
पिता नया जीवन देने का एहसान हैं।

पिता त्याग है , तपस्या है , पूजा हैं।

पिता कलम है, दावत है, स्याही है।

पिता अनुष्ठ है, साधना है, जीवन का हवन है।

पिता जिंदगी के मोहल्ले में आत्मा का भवन है।

पिता काशी हैं, काबा हैं और चारो धाम हैं।
पिता चिंता हैं, याद हैं, हिचकी हैं।

पिता  जीवन की कडवाहट मैं अमृत का प्याला है। 

पिता पृथवी है, जगत है, धुरी हैं।
पिता बिना इस  सृष्टि की कल्पना अधूरी है।

पिता का महत्व दुनिया में  कम नहीं नहीं हो सकता ।

 तो मैं ये पंक्तिया अपने संसार के सबसे प्यारे पिता के नाम करती हूँ। 

और इस जन्हा के सारे पितो को शत शत प्रणाम करती हूँ।

The Waterfall Restaurant in Philippines

The Waterfall Restaurant in Philippines

Friday, 15 June 2012

Self Study is the best Study

  It is true that self study is the best study. How much time do we spend in tuition or coaching? at this time we can solve problems selflessly with the help of parents or other person. It is the saving of money, time and a lot  of  or tenteway of success. It is not compulsory that if we are n class of board or other as 12th or tenth so tuition is the compulsory. It is not necessary that if we take tuition and obtain higher marks . Its depends upon our self study and the time given for self study. It is compulsory that we should give more time for self study and see whatever you get success with higher marks or percentage. So it is true that self study and it is a method also for growing our mind.

नारी के आभूषण

हमारे  देश में नारी को देवी का दर्जा दिया जाता है पर क्यूँ इसकी  वजह है नारी के आभूषण उनके द्वारा हम क्यूंकि उन आभूषण के द्वारा उनके  अर्थ भी समझाते हैं।
इसलिए प्रत्येक नारी को चाहियेकी आभूषण धारण करने के साथ वो उन आभूषण के अंतर्गत निहित अर्थ सन्देश को भी हृदयगम करें, ताकि उस आभूषण का नाम सार्थक हो सके।

पान या मेहँदी - लाज की लाली बनाये रखे ।

काजल - शील का जल नैनों में  रखे ।

नथ  - मन को नाथे , नियंत्रित रखे , जिससे नाक ऊँची रहे।

बिंदी - बुराई को   छोड़ दे ।

टीका - ध्यान रखे की यश का टीका ही लगे कलंक का नही ।

वन्दनी -  पति एवं  गुरुजनों की  वंदना करे ।

पत्ती -  अपनी  तथा  की लाज रखे।

कर्णफूल - कानो से   दूसरो की प्रंशसा सुने ।

हंसली- हमेशा हसमुख रहे ।

कंठहार - पति के गले का हार बने।

कड़े - किसी से  कड़ी बातें न बोले ।

छल्ले - किसी से छल  न करे।

पायल -  सभी बड़ी बूढी औरतो के चरण  स्पर्श करे । 

Give Girls Their Chance

Without you, I can do nothing

Without you, I surely  fail.

Without you, I would be Drifting.

Like a ship, Without a sail.

But with you, I can do all things.

And with you, I cannot fail.

And over the stormiest ocean.

in perfect peace I'll sail.

Education is neither a privilege.

nor favor but a basic human right to

which all girls and women Are Entitled.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

One Drop Of Water

In a thunder, what I wonder?

One drop of water has fallen from my eye.

It is so precious that you can't buy.

From where it has come no one knows.

The feeling of sadness that it shows.

By the rule of nature one has to die.

one drop of water has fallen from my eye. 

Saturday, 9 June 2012

What Money Can Do

Money can buy broom but not cleanliness.

money can buy book but not knowledge.

Money can buy clock but not time.

Money can buy medicine but not health.

Money can buy schools but not discipline.

Money can buy computer but not brain.

Money can buy cosmetics but not health.

Money can buy pen but not handwriting.

Money can buy materials but not happiness.

Money can buy bed bu not sleep.

Money can buy power but not love.

Money can buy soldiers but not velour.

Money can buy professions but not characters.

Money can buy furniture but not lcisure.

Money can buy flower but not fragrance.

Money can buy degree but not education.

Money can buy position but not talent.

Money can buy bulbs but not light.

Money can buy suits but not personality.

Money can buy fan but not cool wind.

Money can buy goods but not goodness.

Money can buy water but not rain.

Money can buy room but not dream.

Money can buy blog but not thoughts.(by neha)