Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Natural Beauty

सुन्दरता ये शब्द तो सब लोग जानते ही होंगे पर क्या कोई ये जनता है की ये सुन्दरता क्या  होती है।
लोग कहते है इन्सान की सूरत नहीं मन सुन्दर होता है लेकिन कुछ लोगो की सुन्दरता मन और तन दोनों ही रूपों मैं होती हैं। या ये कहें की वो कुदरती ही सुन्दर होते हैं मैं आपको यंहा एक बेहद ही खुबसूरत शक्सियत से रूबरू करवाने जा रही हूँ । यूँ तो वो अब इस दुनिया मैं नहीं रही हैं लेकिन उनके चाहने वालों की आज भी दुनिया  में कोई कमी नहीं हैं । उनकी अदाओं के जलवे पूरे संसार में बिखरे हैं। उनकी  जीतनी तारीफ़ की जाये उतनी कम है । हम किसी भी शख्स से पूछ लें अगर वो इंसान वाकई में ये जानता है की खूबसूरती क्या होती है वो इनको देखकर माशा अल्लाह कहे बिना शायद ही रह पाए। और वाकई में ये खूबसूरती वो है जिसे हम शायद ही कभी भूल पाएंगे।अब आप सोच रहे होंगे की वो शख्स कौन है वो शक्सियत है बॉलीवुड की विश्व प्रसिद्ध अदाकारा कहने को तो काफी खुसुरत हैं लेकिन उनकी जिंदगी उतनी ही दर्द भरी है

.............................................मधुबाला जी ....................

तो चलिए एक नजर डालते हैं इस हसीं अदाकारा की जीवन के  कुछ पलों पर की कैसे वो इस मुकाम तक पंहुच पायी।
तो थाम लीजिये अपने दिलो को कंही ये इस हसीं के पास न चला जाये 
 भारतीय सिने पटल की अप्रतिम सौंदर्य की मल्लिका मधुबाला को गुजरे कई दशक बीत चुके हैं। इसके बावजूद अपने सौंदर्य और अपने अभिनय की बदौलत वह आज तक भारतीय सिनेमा की आइकन बनी हुर्ह हैं।  मधुबाला के समय की तुलना में आज का समाज बहुत बदल गया है लेकिन आज भी मधुबाला की तरह बनना और दिखना ज्यादातर लड़कियों का सपना रहता है। अत्यंत निर्धन परिवार में जन्मी और पली-बढ़ी मधुबाला ने लोकप्रियता का जो शिखर हासिल किया वह विलक्षण प्रतीत होता है। लेकिन इतना होने के बावजूद भी मधुबाला के जीवन के ज्यादातर पहलुओं से लोग अनजान हैं। 
मुमताज जंहा बेगम देहलवी ये है इनका पूरा नाम इनका जन्म 14 february  1933 को हुआ था। 
मधुबाला की कहानी गर्दिश से उठकर सितारों तक पहुंचने की कहानी मात्रा नहीं है बल्कि कठोर जीवन संघर्ष की एक मुकम्मल गाथा है जिसे पढ़ने पर पता चलता है कि जो कामयाबी और शोहरत दूर से अत्यंत सुहानी लगती है उसे पाने के लिए कितना कुछ खोना और सहना पड़ता है। मधुबाला की कहानी को पूरे ब्यौरे के साथ जानना इसलिए जरूरी है ताकि यह समझा जा सके कि कामयाबी का सफर जितना सुखद दिखता है दरअसल वह उतना सुखद नहीं होता बल्कि अक्सर उसे कांटे भरे रास्तों पर चल कर पूरा करना होता है।
मधुबाला का जीवन बहुत छोटा रहा। महज 36 साल की जिस उम्र में उन्होंने मौत को गले लगाया उस उम्र में लोग अपने करियर की कायदे से शुरूआत करते हैं लेकिन उन्होंने इस उम्र में ही सबकुछ पा लिया - बेपनाह शोहरत और समृद्धि। लेकिन इसके बाद भी उन्हें वे चीजें नहीं मिलीं जिनके लिए वह जीवन भर तड़पती रहीं। मधुबाला की कहानी जीवन के इस कड़वे सच को समझने के लिए भी जरूरी है। मधुबाला की कहानी एक और तरह से भी महत्वपूर्ण है। बाल कलाकार के रूप में जब मधुबाला का पदार्पण हुआ और 1942 में फिल्म बसंत में जब वह एक छोटी सी भूमिका में अवतरित हुईं तब भारतीय सिनेमा विकास के आरंभिक चरण में था और जब 1971 में उनकी अंतिम फिल्म ज्वाला रिलीज हुई तब भारतीय सिनेमा का स्वर्ण काल उतार पर था।
Childhood and Early Life
Madhubala was born as ‘Mumtaz Begum Jehan Dehlavi’ on 14th February 1933, in Delhi, India. She was born into an ethnic Pathan family and was the fifth amongst the eleven children of Ataullah Khan. Within a few years of her birth, her father lost his job at the Imperial Tobacco Company. Following this, the family had to face many hardships, even the death of four of her sisters and her two brothers. This left the family with Madhubala and her four sisters as the only children. In order to gain employment, Ataullah Khan relocated to Bombay. Madhubala entered the film industry when she was hardly nine years old.
Child Artist
MadhubalaMadhubala bagged the first role of her career in ‘Basant’ (1942), which turned out to be a hit. In the movie, she played the daughter of Mumtaz Shanti. Following this, she acted in a number of films, as a child artist. Devika Rani, one of the most popular actresses of her time, got impressed with the talent and potential of Madhubala and advised her to change her name, from Mumtaz, to Madhubala. With time, Madhubala gained the reputation of a dependable and professional artist. Her exceptional beauty and lissome figure also ensured that she was looked upon as one of the stars of the future.

Early life
Madhubala was born as Mumtaz Jahan Begum Dehlaviin New Delhi, India on 14 February 1933. She was the fifth child among eleven children of a conservative Muslim couple. Her family was a Nawabi family from Kabul, Afghanistan, and a branch of the royal dynasty of Mohammadzai (also called Barakzay) . Her grandparents were exiled by Afghanistan's army to India.
After Madhubala's father, Ataullah Khan, lost his job at the Imperial Tobacco Company in Peshawar,he relocated his family to Mumbai. Young Mumtaz entered the movie industry at the age of nine.
Early career
Mumtaz’s first movie Basant (1942) was a box-office success. She played in it as the daughter of the popular actress Mumtaz Shanti. She went on to act in several movies as a child artist. Actress Devika Rani was impressed by her performances and potential and advised her to assume the name Madhubala,  meaning "a woman of honey". Madhubala soon garnered reputation as a reliable professional performer. By the time she entered adolescence, she was being groomed for lead roles.
Her first break came when producer Kidar Sharma cast her opposite Raj Kapoor in Neel Kamal (1947).She was fourteen when she was given a lead role. The film was not a commercial success, but her performance was received well.
During the next two years, she blossomed into a captivating beauty. After her lead role in Bombay Talkies production Mahal in 1949, Madhubala attained immense popularity. Though she was only 16 at the time, her subtle and skilful performance, upstaged her seasoned co-star Ashok Kumar. The movie and the song Aayega Aanewala in it heralded the arrival of two new superstars: Madhubala and playback singer Lata Mangeshkar.
Serious illness
Madhubala was found to have a heart problem after she coughed up blood in 1950. She was discovered to have been born with a ventricular septal defect, commonly known as a "hole in the heart". At the time, heart surgery was not widely available.
Madhubala hid her illness from the movie industry for many years, but one incident was widely reported by the media in 1954: She was filming in Madras for S.S. Vassan's Bahut Din Huwe when she vomited blood on the set. Vassan and his wife took care of her until she was well again. She continued to work and established herself as an A-grade star.
Madhubala's family was extremely protective of her because of her health problem. When filming at the studios, she would eat only home-prepared food and drink water only from a specific well in order to minimize risks of infection. But her condition took its toll and she died in 1969 at age 36. For most of the 1950s, Madhubala performed successfully despite her illnesss.

Hollywood Interest
In the early 1950s as Madhubala became one of the most sought-after actresses in India, she also attracted interest from Hollywood. She appeared in many American magazines such as Theatre Arts. In their August 1952 issue, Madhubala was featured in an extensive article with a full page photo. The piece was entitled: The Biggest Star in the World (And She's Not in Beverly Hills).  It presented the actress as a mysterious and ethereal woman of mythical beauty with a legion of fans.
During this period, on a trip to Mumbai and its film studios, the American filmmaker Frank Capra was pampered and hosted by the elite of the Hindi movie industry. However the one star he really wanted to meet was conspicuous by her absence, Madhubala. A meeting to discuss an opening for Madhubala in Hollywood was proposed by Capra. Madhubala's father declined and put an emphatic end to her potential Hollywood film career.

Madhubala the icon
In her short life, Madhubala appeared in over 70 films. In all three biographies and numerous articles published on her, she has been compared with Marilyn Monroe and has a similarly iconic position in Indian film history. Perhaps because she died before being relegated to supporting or character roles, to this day Madhubala remains one of the most enduring and celebrated legends of Indian cinema. Her continuing appeal to film fans was underlined in a 1990 poll conducted by Movie magazine. Madhubala was voted the most popular vintage Hindi actress of all time, garnering 58% of the votes, and out ranking contemporary legendary actresses Meena Kumari, Nargis, and Nutan. More recently in rediff.com's International Women's Day 2007 special (see external links), Madhubala was ranked second in their top ten list of "Bollywood's best actresses. Ever" According to the feature, the actresses that made the final list were ranked on "...acting skills, glamour, box office appeal, versatility and icon status -- and the fact that each of them became a figurehead for Bollywood, ushering in a new wave of cinema..."
In 2004 a digitally colorized version of Mughal-e-Azam was released and, 35 years after her death, the film and Madhubala became a success with cinema audiences all over again.
In the past decade, several biographies and magazine articles have been issued on Madhubala, revealing previously unknown details of her private life and career. Consequently in 2007, a Hindi film Khoya Khoya Chand was produced starring Shiney Ahuja and Soha Ali Khan - the plot included some events loosely based on the life of Madhubala and other vintage film personalities.
In 2008 a commemorative postage stamp featuring Madhubala was issued. The stamp was produced by India Post in a limited edition presentation pack which featured images of the actress. It was launched by veteran actors Nimmi and Manoj Kumar in a glittering ceremony attended by colleagues, friends and surviving members of Madhubala's family. The only other Indian film actress to be honoured in this manner is Nargis Dutt.


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