Saturday, 17 March 2012

difference between science and poetry

Science is objective,rigid, and fixed.
Poetry is both objective and subjective. It is not rigid or fixed rather it has got a bulk of variations.
Science is based upon facts and figures. Everything is clear and vivid in science due to rigid and fixed facts and figures.
Poetry is based upon emotions and imaginations, feelings and passions and reasoning power. Moreover some abstract and philosophical ideas are there in poetry which are not clear.
Science deals with the physical world and the things as they are.
Whereas poetry deals with physical world and that of imaginations and spirituality. And it deals with the things as they ought to be.
Science doesn't spiritualism the nature and beauty, it just observes it.
But poetry spiritualism the nature and not just observes it but takes a deep insight of it because poetry's main interest lies in beauty.
So, conclusively science is incomplete whereas poetry is complete.
By Wafa Mansoor ब

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